Valued Clients

At GoPlay we are proud to take teams of all levels on their overseas experience. Here is a small number of teams who have traveled with us in the past:

Akron Zips

Akron Zips

Assumption Greyhounds

Assumption Greyhounds

Basbon Beavers

Basbon Beavers

Boston Bolts

Boston Bolts

Boston University

Boston University

Columbia University

Columbia University

DePauw University

DePauw University

Duke University

Duke University

Harvard University

Harvard University

University of Maine

University of Maine

Players Development Academy

Players Development Academy

Providence College

Providence College

Roger Williams University

Roger Williams University

St. Lawrence University

St. Lawrence University

Springfield College

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Western New England University

Western New England University


Wheaton College (MA)

Yale University

Yale University


Stonehill College
